This summer will mark 4 years since The Stage Fright Coach was born. It’s been a wild ride, but I felt that things were getting a little stale around here. So I am shaking things up, starting with a soft rebrand!

Introducing: Your Stage Fright Coach

When I began this venture, it was centred around me and what I could offer you, but as I and the business evolved, I realised this is not about me at all - it’s always been about you! Your individual struggles, victories, and those awe-inspiring moments when you are defying gravity! Ahem, I mean stage fright :) 

This rebrand reflects a commitment to providing a more personalised and tailor-made coaching experience for YOU. After all, your journey deserves the support of someone who is there for you - the whole way.

Exciting things are in the works!

My mission remains the same – to transform your nerves into energy, and challenges into triumphs. Whether you're a seasoned performer or just starting your journey, Your Stage Fright Coach is here to guide you through every step, making the process not just transformative but uniquely yours.

You can expect an abundance of personalised coaching insights, empowering tips, and a growing, supportive community designed to cater specifically to your needs. I am not just coaching you; together we're crafting a journey that aligns with your goals, aspirations, and the unique magic you hold inside.

From fear, to fearless

I believe that stage fright is not a hurdle; rather an opportunity for transformation.

In the realm of performance, each artist is a distinct entity, a universe of talent waiting to be explored. Your Stage Fright Coach is all about celebrating and embracing your uniqueness - helping you drop the unhelpful narratives that no longer serve you. 

I believe that the journey to conquering stage fright is as important as the destination, and I’m here to make every step empowering, encouraging, and uniquely yours. So I will be making some changes!

Firstly; including vocal technique...

You can find Your Stage Fright Coach alongside Your Voice Studio! I will be offering both types of lessons from now on, and you can book here to work with me on either, or both! You'll notice that my posts have moved to Your Voice Studio which is where I'll be posting from now on.

...and secondly - introducing the power of self development

Your Stage Fright Coach isn't just a name change; it's a commitment to bringing the power of personal development to every performer who works with me. Vocal technique and performance coaching are wonderful things, but they don’t address all of the underlying problems that can cause stage fright. So, with the addition of breathwork and shadow work to coaching sessions, you’ll be performing confidently in no time!

This shift in direction, the change in name, it all feels so aligned with what I do. And I am SO excited to work with you.

Find me on Instagram or at my website and let's connect!